
How We’re Embracing the Future of Internal Communications with our Digital Studio

Internal Communication Strategy

In the last 25-30 years, marketing and PR have undergone a tremendous transformation. Thirty years ago, companies began building websites to promote their business and serve their customers. Organizations had a new way to connect with external communities and stakeholders, and marketers had new ways of measuring the effectiveness of their work. Fast forward ten years, and Facebook emerged as a social media platform, followed quickly by Twitter (now X), Instagram, and Snapchat. Since then, social media has changed how people share and consume information, forcing a reckoning with more traditional media. This landscape continues to evolve rapidly, giving people new ways to share content and connect with others.

Many more shifts have happened in the space in terms of the tools and technologies that marketing and communications professionals use to accomplish their goals. But that’s not what this blog is about. This blog is about levelling the playing field for those working in the internal communications space and why we’ve decided to help.


The sad truth

The same revolution has not happened in internal communication. How employees receive, consume, and share information has stayed the same for the last 30 years.

It’s about time this changed.


A revolution has started

The technology exists. The desire to do things differently is there. And finally, organizations realize the importance of internal communication. At Vision2Voice Communications, we are seeing this shift and want to be a part of it. That’s why we’ve created a digital studio with a full group of services to support internal communications teams on their journey.


It’s out there

There are great technology vendors with wonderful products built just for internal communications professionals. Companies like Staffbase, Firstup, and Simpplr are active supporters of our industry and profession and have been listening to the challenges we face daily. They also understand how to navigate technology constraints and concerns and have built systems that work with existing tech stacks.


Why we’re all in

The sole purpose of our digital studio is to help internal communication professionals identify the technology that’s right for them, and to build, launch, and sustain it, all while aligning it with their strategy. Some of the specific reasons we’ve chosen to do this work include:


It requires a strategy and plan

We believe that every element of your internal communications program should be based on strategy. We’ve seen too many intranet graveyards and big black holes to know that without a strategy that defines the results you want to achieve, you won’t get results, no matter how great the technology is.


Technology change is about people

With over half a billion dollars worth of technology change experience, we know that implementing new technology is more about the people than the tech itself. We think applying the lessons we’ve learned in technology change is essential to supporting successful outcomes.


Content is king

We are content and UX experts who know how to structure and build great content – nothing matters more than this with internal communications platforms.


It’s a huge amount of work

Implementing a modern intranet, omnichannel digital platform, or app is an enormous undertaking. Few IC teams have extra time on their hands to tackle a project of this size and give it the time and attention the investment deserves. You don’t have to do it alone — we’ve figured it all out and have the resources and expertise to help out a little or a lot.


The benefits are clear

We love to connect IC professionals with the tools that can streamline their processes, amplify their reach, and foster stronger connections with employees, all while reducing stress and frustration.

For the past thirty years, internal communications professionals have been at an incredible disadvantage. Now is the time to be part of the digital transformation that’s happening across organizations. At Vision2Voice, we’ve developed the expertise to help and have already had huge successes with our clients. We’re proud to be leaders in the digital space and proud to be doing this work with our partners and clients.

Explore our digital studio page for more information, and sign up for our newsletter to be the first to get access to new resources.