To be a five star employer, you need to build an organization that has the things people really want. Many organizations are looking frantically to find the magic bullet that will make them a talent magnet. Is it free lunch? Fido Friday? Great parties? Better pay and benefits? Nope.
NONE of these things will make a difference unless employers provide the three things people really want.
Harvard Business Review did a study that identified Career, Community and Cause as universal motivators. These did not change with age (Millennials want the same thing as everyone else), type of work or location. Yes, everywhere in the world, the ideal job has these same three factors.
What do these factors really mean?
Career: people have a job that uses their strengths while helping them learn and grow
Community: people feel respected, recognized, and connected
Cause: people feel that they make a meaningful impact and feel proud that their work does good.
Our winning formula for employee communication supports these three factors. That’s not a coincidence.
Career = Inform
Providing people with the tools and information to do their jobs is critical to helping people perform. Clear guidelines, easy to understand instructions, and clear performance support tools all help employees feel like rock stars.
Community = Involve
Internal communications is pivotal to creating a sense of community in the organization. Involving your employees is easy with a social tool like our favourite employee communication platform Bonfyre. There are many other internal communications tactics and channels that can be used to help make people feel valued, respected, and part of a tribe.
Cause = Inspire
Inspiring your employees with a clear purpose provides both motivation and meaning. It’s important to identify and amplify your purpose, and communicate it in a way that employees can relate to, take to heart, and make it their passion.
Book a free session to find out how our six step program can make your company a magnet for the very best talent.
Job Love
Read The Free eBook.
This book looks at fundamental drivers of successful human relationships and applies them to the employee experience. Andrea shows how trust, respect, and even passion can be fuelled in the workplace with the right approach to internal communications.
Download the ebook